Monday, October 20, 2008


I got this idea when my mom and I went to a farmers market. They also sell lots of cute Halloween decorations. We saw a black tin with a ghost head on top and with the word BOO on the can. Well, this is my version of the ghostly tin.

We found a white and red coffee tin on clearance at TJmaxx for $2.00. I painted it with black flat RUST-OLEUM, which is an oil-based paint so it will adhere well to metal. The pumpkin I purchased at Pier One. You can use any prop you find just make sure it is hollow so it will fit over the knob on the top of the can. Adhere the head to the top of the tin with a glue used for metal. Tie a ribbon around the neck to hide the glue. Lastly, I used stickers to spell the word EEK. You can hand paint your word if you have a steady hand, which I don't.


Melissa J. Lee said...

This would make a great cookie canister for my son. Terrific (terrorific) idea!

Margot Potter said...

What a fun idea! Great work, thanks for joining in the fun!


Kat, The Fearless Crafter said...

That is so awesome! I'd love to have this in my kitchen! Great job!

Contessa Kris said...

What an adorable canister! I can just see that on my counter to hold treats in! Great job. Glad you participated in Terrorific Tuesdays.

Michelle McGee said...

Great idea!

Anonymous said...

great idea.great American kitchen funda.